About Olivia Carone
I've always been interested in food and nutrition. As a child, I spent my summers in a small agricultural town in the “green belt” of Quebec (Lanaudière). On my paternal family’s agricultural land, I helped my grandparents grow vegetables that were sold to specialty grocery stores, while my father planted a vineyard. My family grew most of what we ate and had “farm-to-table” meals sourced outside our front door.
In my late teens, I started lifting weights and working at my local gym. This is where I became increasingly interested in sports nutrition, and what types of food would help me achieve my strength and performance goals. Through this period (teen to early 20s), I witnessed dozens of friends become increasingly obsessed with food and begin to have unhealthy relationships with food. I wanted to help, but I didn't have the tools.

It was following this realization that I decided to embark on my 3.5 year journey studying Dietetics at McGill University. As part of the curriculum, I was placed in seven internship placements that enabled me to see the many different sides of Dietetics and Nutrition. I have worked in clinical settings – hospitals, CLSCs, community centres – and private clinics specialized in sports nutrition and eating disorders.
Following the completion of my degree and successfully being accepted to the Ordre des Diététistes-Nutritionnistes du Québec, I felt that I was best suited to work in private practice where I could serve a variety of clients’ needs and provide a truly individualized approach. I have since taken part in intuitive eating and health at every size trainings, and have thus integrated these concepts into my approach. Intuitive eating is a concept that helps you become the expert of your body and its hunger signals. "Health at every size" acknowledges that health is achievable at any weight.
I will not give you a diet, because 95% of diets do not work. Instead, I focus on behaviour changes that create an impact you can actually see.
Please get in touch to learn more about my services and to book your nutritional consultation!

Intuitive Eating Certified Counselor training (2 parts)
Pratique Inclusive (training to make healthcare professionals' practice more inclusive regarding weight)
Work: ​
Sports Nutrition clinic: specialized in strength and endurance sports. Intuitive eating and health at every size approach.
Eating Disorders clinic: specialized in eating disorders such as binge-eating disorder, anorexia, bulimia, orthorexia, etc. Intuitive eating and health at every size approach.
Jewish General Hospital: specialized in internal nutrition, oncology and kidney treatment
CLSC Beloeil: specialized in home-care nutrition
B.Sc. in Dietetics at McGill University